Physics, Biology, Chemistry + Cooling..
How the body works is a mystery to even those with A+ in the above subjects, but work it does. When in doubt it's usually fairly simple actually. At all times our body is doing it's best to keep us alive, moving & dreaming.
When it stops working or starts hurting, it's time to do something differently. Often, the missing link is our emotions and how we're breathing. This means that what we're chewing and slurping is the easy bit! The more we take care of the basics, by keeping our bodies alkaline, the easier our emotions are to deal with and then times of stress don't dig so deep.
Fasting during a crisis (which sometimes happens naturally) can give us an almost bird's eye view on what's going on. The less we 'put in' on a daily basis, the less we supress. One cannot digest and feel at the same time. Fact. Eat like you're just about to have sex or go dancing. Anyways, the point of this blog was to explain how colonics work..

The most important part of colonics is the speculum and this is where the physics comes in, as somehow water manages to flow in the small pipe & out of the big pipe, continously without mixing. It’s part gravity and part vacuum, created by the outflow. All in all it's magic. The obdurator is in place for gentle insertion, then removed during the session, when a larger tube is attached to the 'out' part. Everything that comes out goes straight into the soil pipe & out into sewage - no we do no keep it & you don't get to take it home, sorry.