Happiest of New Years

It's always a great feeling to say goodbye to the old & welcome the new. Cleaning, clearing out & chucking stuff seems to be what we're all up to this week. As I move through the time zone, I can't wonder if it really exists, and if someone somewhere is laughing and saying 'what do they all think they're doing?'...My Top Thirteen of 2006

1. Fave Movie: Brokeback Mountain. (but as it was so long ago, Little Miss Sunshine & The Departed deserve to feature)

2. Fave Music Discovery: Audioslave

3. Fave Person: UK - Fiona; USA - Amy

4. Fave Clothing: fliptop fingerless mittens (thank you Florence)

5. Fave Health Discovery: NSA & Living Foods

6. Fave Place: Goa

7. Fave TV Advert: Sony - Bouncing Balls, with 'Heartbeats'

8. Fave Music Video: Show Me How To Live, Audioslave

9. Fave Gig: Dave Matthews (always)

10. Fave Gadget: MacBook (yooo hoooo!!)

11. Fave Book: Permanent Healing, Daniel Condron

12. Fave DVD: Riding Giants

13. Fave Sister: see below..your turn - tag x


Physics, Biology, Chemistry + Cooling..

