Things I Recommend Ever So Frequently

  • The Court of Atonement

    Add everyone you’ve wronged, or feel wronged by. Anyone you feel charge around, lingering irritation, anger, resentment, or unfinished business. Add all of your exes and all family members to The Court of Atonement.

  • BioResonance Bali ‭WA +62 819 16159086‬ — Jl Bypass, Sanur.

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

    Check Professor Sam Vaknin’s brilliant YouTube channel. He is also the author of ‘Malignant Self Love’, on narcissism and NPD.

  • The Virtues

    In Theta Healing, each challenge in our life teaches us virtues. Go up and ask Creator if you can learn these virtues in easier ways. By identifying the virtues you are amplifying, it can help gain some objectivity on the situation.

  • As always, read Theta Healing by Vianna Stibal.

  • Study with, read or watch videos of Donna Eden. The books: Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women.

Spiritual Energy System. Alex Grey

Suki Zoe

Suki Zoe, Healer, and Teacher of Theta Healing. Bali, Indonesia.

Theta Healing Classes July August 2022


Theta Healing Classes