Immersive Cumulation

I’m kinda jealous of my students diving into Theta Healing classes for the first time. My transformation during my first 5 seminars was radical, and cumulative. Having that many sessions back-to-back, in a safe space over days/weeks isn’t a process we immerse ourselves in during normal life.

During those classes (and still now while I teach) I slept through each lunch break, and cancelled most social and extra engagements during that month. I needed that sleep time to integrate the work, without distractions.

I look back on that time now fondly.

And, it took months afterwards to integrate those immense shifts, because I still had pleasures and attachments to my old patterns of behaviour. I felt the lure of light and connection, whilst also still enjoying indignation, fury and drama. It was only when Cecillia was dying, and I needed to lean SO heavily into the virtues, that it really clicked. Living with greater ease and joy took priority over the old spirals.

Patience patience patience ✨💫

Suki Zoe

Suki Zoe, Healer, and Teacher of Theta Healing. Bali, Indonesia.



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