How To Create The Future You Want
Most of us want to be happy, healthy and financially comfortable, in harmonious relationships, living a life of purpose, or knowing job satisfaction. To this end, many have tried practicing ‘manifesting’ inspired by Abraham Hicks, or The Secret.
The missing nugget from the majority of manifesting advice, is the reason how and why it doesn’t work, and the remedy. I have one solution — Theta Healing.
Regardless of our dreams of weight loss, a new job or respite from disease, our very clever subconscious is keeping us safe at all times. Here are some examples of why our subconscious is at odds with our conscious desires:
If I earn more than my father, it would affect his pride and our relationship.
If I lose weight I would attract unwanted attention from the opposite sex, so it’s safer to stay at my current weight.
If I stop drinking alcohol I’ll lose my friends.
I want a loving relationship, but love ends in tragedy.
If I recover from disease, I will lose my disability payments and would need to return to work; or my carer (husband/wife) would leave me, and I would be unloved.
If I have a large house I will be alone, because people only want me for my money.
It’s not safe to be a healer because of religion, history or ancestral memories.
Theta Healing has many beautiful aspects, the most commonly known is the digging technique, in which we access our subconscious, and permanently clear blocks to our desires. Sometimes, removing the tiniest belief allows a stunning ripple effect through many parts of our lives.
As a therapeutic modality, the difference with talk therapy, is that we are not repeating or identifying with ‘our’ story - my abuse, my disease, my trauma etc. We can only work on ourselves, not the other person - so our focus is on changing our subconscious, and thus our outcome.
In Theta, we also communicate with angels, talk to animals and plants, access akashic records, speak to ancestors, heal the body, and see the future, all the while enhancing our intuition.
Experience a session or three, or join me in learning this profound modality.
Queen of the Night, by Simon Quaglio