Thursday Theta Taster

Bali remains in a prolonged state of suspense, and the stress of it is wearing many thin. While much of the world opens up again and we see loved ones further afield taking summer vacations, our airport is still closed to international flights,18 months later.

With the absence of tourism, outreach programs continue to assist families who are affected by the lack of business. I'm happy to be aligned with the Ananda Soul Creations Adopt a Family program. If you'd like to contribute, we'd be very grateful. It's only $60 for 1 month's supplies for one family. A little goes a long way here.

Thank you.

On to Theta Healing news! The Yoga Barn is offering new taster sessions each day of the week now. I'm offering short, and very sweet sessions every Thursday. I continue to offer sessions via Zoom to the rest of the galaxy 𝛙

Much love xo

The Ananda staff and their husbands volunteer their weekends to deliver food all over Bali. These 25kg sacks of rice are carried in the heat by their never-complaining husbands.


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