My Favourite Week

I think this is my favourite week of the year.

I tend to quieten and become reflective, introspective. I sink into this dreamy time-between-times - invariably reading fiction, listening to music and spoken word poets (because they have beautiful minds, and they make me a better human), meditating, getting extra sleep and gently hanging out with friends.

This year has been full. This decade has been full!

I'm overjoyed to be ending this chapter and starting the next one in Bali, surrounded by my beloved jungle soundtrack. I booked a two week trip here back in May, when I thought I'd still be returning to London - before I had an inkling to leave. Even then I was wondering how long I should keep pushing and pushing, before I broke through to something good. Or how to know when I should stop pushing, and realise that there was no flow - that it was all the wrong direction.

London was a wonderful contrast - I'm so grateful for all the gorgeous people I met and enjoyed time with. I miss (and always will) wearing jeans and boots, English carrots and celery, a reliable mail service and my loved ones. Again this year the world has been crazy. I've felt deeply the trauma of politics, racial divides, wars, religiosity, deaths and fear. And internally it's been...interesting. The external chaos necessitates a more determined equanimity within. I've needed to recalibrate my emotional software, a little. So now as my year winds down, I return again to art, love, poetry and music. Because they work. Wishing you all much love and alignment.

Thank you for your showing up 🌿

Photo of me at Bambu Indah last week, by Elora Hardy.


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The Island of the Gods