Juice 101
One glass of juice changes the pH of the body sufficiently to turn a stubborn colonic into an easy one. It's just that quick and effective!
Digesting food takes more energy than any other human activity. Except for juicing - it requires no energy! Juice delivers hydration and nutrients into your cells in seconds.
Yes, we all need fibre, and yet there are times for just juice. No it's not a ‘waste’, you are making liquid gold. Centrifugal juicers are quick (and noisy) and they heat the juice slightly. Masticating juicers are slower, heavy and generally more expensive. They deliver a superior juice in flavour and quality, more juice with drier pulp, and they can extract juice from delicate herbs. Centrifugal juicers are going too fast to get any magic from your herbs - but they will take larger pieces of fruit and veg, making for a quicker prep time.
UK Juicers always stock a good range, and have tons of information. Many people complain about how long it takes to clean the juicer, but really it's not more than 2-2 minutes - quicker than scrubbing that congealed roasting pan ;)
Masticator, vertical and centrifugal juicers.
Juice 101
Any juice is better than no juice. Use whatever equipment you have right now. While most excellent, blenders are not the same as a juicer. You insert your ingredients, the blender mushes them, and you drink them in their entirety - nothing extracted. Blenders are great for adding superfoods, and making soups and smoothies. Whether buying a Nutribullet, Vitamix or Kitchen Maid get the most powerful one your budget stretches too. There is a vast difference between the Nutribullet 600 and 900 in horsepower.
Jug blender, Nutribullet and hand blender
I usually keep my juices simple = 3 ingredients + 1 flavour (ie. ginger, chili, garlic, lime or chives)
You don’t need a ton of ingredients to juice. You can just juice 1 head of celery, or one cucumber:
Celery juice
Cucumber juice
Carrot juice
Cucumber, pineapple (cooling in the summer)
Romaine lettuce, celery, spinach + chives
Carrot, pear, fennel + ginger
Carrot, red pepper, pear + red chili
Cucumber, kale, celery + garlic
Carrot, beets, apple + lime
Try juicing any vegetable and see how it feels and tastes (except aubergine, because ugh).
Fennel, chicory, radicchio, romaine, chard, celery, cucumber, beets, carrot, kale, radish, horseradish, endive, spinach, garlic, chili, pears, apples, mooli, spring greens, grapes, grapefruit, tomatoes, pineapple, orange, etc.
Mike just released an updated Broom Cleanse from Vitality. Great info on how to best prepare for a colonic, and which foods work best as brooms.