Suki Zoë

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2 years sober today. That may sound like I've been working the steps - I haven't, I just stopped imbibing.

Recently I had a client come to me in crisis after 'fasting' in Kom Samui - where they were jammed full of psyllium and bentonite 5 x day. They were given ZERO post fasting advice, care or support. Everything we do needs to be understood in context. The last time they fasted they were an endurance athlete living a stressful life, eating a high protein diet and working too hard. For the last 6 months they have been eating raw food, doing yoga and having colonics. So in this context the above mentioned fast works much much deeper and great care must be taken with breaking it, hydration, air travel and de-pooping.

The first time we fast or have colonics, all the old acidic baked-in gunk is shaken out of it's slumber and surprised out.

As we continue, the body gets the message that this is more serious - the diet and pH are changed and deep tissue cleansing occurs. For most people, a week without meat, booze, sugar and bread means no matter what they do afterwards, the benefits will speak for themselves. For someone already enjoying a cleansing lifestyle there is no going back and the utmost attention to the body needs to be employed. I have contacted many fasting retreats and told them that I've found bentonite inside people weeks and months after leaving their detox centers. I've told people that throwing fruit against a brick wall (cemented colon) will cause gas, bloating and bloodgas levels which cause headaches. It's too late by this stage for prunes. So bentonite should come with a warning, as should fasting..

Which brings me onto 80/10/10: if you are living in a city you need mega greens. If you are not exercising a ton every day, eating out-of-season, foreign fruit will not work for a non-athlete. Show me a fruit eater who does not have bloating, candida, crazy blood gases and anger issues.

Greens babies, greens ❤