
I'm very happy! My client and friend Antonia Taylor is taking the hot seat at Brackenbury the moment I leave. She has a natural aptitude for poo and a charming way about her - you are in safe hands. She's also receiving the caring magic of Fiona, so the link continues..

I'm working with a client who has been taking Diatomaceous Earth for parasites. I haven't found a  UK 'human' grade source anywhere yet - if anyone has had any experience with this, please let me know. It worked magic on her, so I'm interested to try it. I'm going to miss seeing such incredible transformations in people up close and personal. I am reading The Disappearance of The Universe by Gary Renard. When it arrived (thank you Shea) I admit I groaned and thought - another book to add to the pile of half-read life-changing never-get-finished masterpieces. Maybe I never will finish this - but within 20 pages I wanted to take a week off to soak it up & absorb it. It ties together Buddhism, Deepak, Jesus & much much more - making sense of all everything


strength | rust


Tickled Pink