sinews and hollows


I was watching/doing some crazy moves on the table over the last couple of weeks - when I realized that NSA energy moves the body into 'yoga asanas' which makes sense - because the yogis understood that yoga postures moved energy - we're just doing it the other way around. I was flicking through 'Permanent Healing' by Daniel Condron & found this paragraph:

"The mind also communicates to the body concerning fat and weight problems. The vast majority of people who go on diets gain all the weight back once they go off diet. This is because eliminating food or changing the diet is a physical attempt to remedy what is a mental situation. The thought patterns inducing these people to over-eat, thus creating sluggishness in moving foods through the digestive and eliminatory systems have not changed. In order for there to be permanent healing and a permanent cure, the thought pattern or attitudes must be transformed into a higher state of awareness of what is good for the whole Self".


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